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werk, bauen + wohnen: Three Swedes

werk, bauen + wohnen: Three Swedes

werk, bauen + wohnen: Three Swedes


werk, bauen + wohnen: Three Swedes

Pap. 2014

SKU 99746

The work of Klas Anshelm, Bengt Edman and Bernt Nyberg in Lund, which was also highly individual in the Swedish context, has much in common with practice in Switzerland. With their interest in construction and material they could be viewed as fellow-travellers of New Brutalism, a movement whose direct expression and authenticity is attracting interest once again today. Nevertheless these three architects are largely unknown in Switzerland and in fact represent a discovery. For the current issue Christoph Wieser work as guest editor. In the post-war era Scandinavian architecture and Nordic design had a formative influence in Switzerland, and neutral Sweden was often compared with this country. The issue takes up these traces as represented by three architects who researched in their own ways. In the direction taken by Swedish architecture we can clearly recognise the influence that the centralised control of building can have. Whereas immediately after the war both countries, Sweden and Switzerland, were models for the further development and indeed humanisation of modernism, today they occupy very different positions. French/English/German